Office Signs Pro LLC :: Funny Signs :: Funny Business Signs 2/2

Funny Business Signs 2/2


This goes without words...

funny nipples



What do you do in this market? We are a respectable site, we can't tell you...

funny oral market


Remember, when you design a logo, think how it might look before you adopt it. Here are few logos that slipped through:

funny dental logo



funny a style



funny logo


"We didn't say '24-hours a day'!!!"

funny open


Some store are better when they are closed

funny open


9 days a week?!@#

funny 99


"Not open because it is closed" - wow! how didn't I think of that??! Probably written by one of the customers described in the upper sign...

funny butts


That's a good reason for a sale!

funny divorce


Our main asset is our customer service! the client is KING

funny fuck you


Creative idea!

funny dropped calls


From the times the gas prices were rocketing...

funny gas prices


funny gas prices



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